Protein Essentials Blog

PE Collagen Offers Proven Holistic Benefits

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We’ve all been hearing a lot about collagen peptides recently. Wondering if collagen is right for you? Here is what you want to know.  What is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. In fact,...

What Benefits Can You Expect From Collagen?

Protein Essentials 8 comments

Collagen has been all over the news as an important natural supplement for 2017. What is collagen?  What benefits could you expect to see? Any side effects you should be aware of?  How is it best used?  Let’s break...

How to Choose Protein? Thats Easy, Peptan Collagen is Backed By Science.

Protein Essentials 4 comments

Protein Essentials products are all made using Peptan® collagen, a high-purity, natural bioactive product. Peptan® collagen peptides are type 1 collagen peptides. This means they are identical to the collagens found in human bones and skin. Peptan® is a...