Protein Essentials Blog

Homemade Marshmallows

Protein Essentials 1 comment

Today the Protein Essentials test kitchen tried out a recipe for homemade marshmallows. We used a recipe from The Clever Carrot website. We picked this recipe because it does not use corn syrup. These marshmallows taste great and...

Gelatin History and Benefits

Protein Essentials 0 comments

Here is a great video highlighting the history and benefits of gelatin and bone broth.

Perform 100 – the Details!

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Perform 100 is our energy and recovery supplement. It is a unique sports supplement because it is made from healthy ingredients. As athletes, we were searching for a healthy sports supplement for ourselves and our families. We knew...

Beauty From the Inside Out Smoothie

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This recipe is adapted from Bobbi Brown’s Beauty From the Inside Out Smoothie. 1 c almond milk 2 1/2 T cocoa powder 2 T chia seeds 1 scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen 1/2 frozen banana Handful of dried...

Overnight Oats with Applesauce and Pears

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Overnight oats are fast, healthy and delicious. You can use any applesauce that you like, we used the Protein Essentials Applesauce with Cranberries for this recipe. 1 1/2 c oats 1/2 c applesauce 1 c almond milk 1...

Superfruit Smoothie

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Katy’s Kitchen has been working hard to bring you tasty ways to incorporate our Peptan® Hydrolyzed Collagen protein powder and Perform 100 Energy & Recovery supplement into your daily life. Today’s recipe is packed with nutritious fruits, making...

Why Hydrolyzed Collagen is whey Better

Protein Essentials 4 comments

If you go to the store looking for a protein powder, you will find entire shelves full of whey protein. While whey is a popular name in protein right now, there is a new product on the market...