No Fuss Marinade with Big Taste
This is the easiest marinade ever – and it yields delicious results! Here is how to use it with flank steak.
2 c InstaBroth, chicken
3/4 c teriyaki sauce
1 flank steak
Whisk the teriyaki sauce with the InstaBroth. Pour 1/4 of the marinade in the bottom of a 9×13 dish. Add the flank steak to the dish, cover with remaining marinade. Refrigerate covered flank steak overnight. Heat your grill to high. While you are waiting for grill to warm up, remove flank steak from refrigerator, allow it to warm up a bit on counter, up to 30 minutes. The gelatin in the InstaBroth will turn the marinade into almost jello or jelly consistency. (It’s not appetizing looking, but fear not!) Scrape most of the gelatinized marinade off both sides of the steak. Grill on high 4-6 minutes a side, depending on the thickness of your flank steak, to achieve internal temperature of 125. Allow steak to rest. Slice thinly. Enjoy!
