Overnight Oats
Overnight Oats
Here is a super healthy way to start your day. It will also make you feel organized and efficient because you do most of the work before you go to bed.
Here’s the recipe, complete with Iphone pictures.
1 c rolled oats
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 small banana, sliced
1 cup milk
tiny pinch of salt
1/2 small apple, diced
1 tablespoon granola (we love http://us.naturespath.com/product/flax-plusr-pumpkin-flax-granola)
Scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen
Pure maple syrup or brown sugar
Before you go to bed, combine all the “oat” ingredients in jar or bowl with a lid. Give it a stir. Put the covered bowl/jar in the refrigerator.
In the morning, your breakfast is ready. At this point, you could pop it uncovered in the microwave to take the chill off. Slowly stir in the collagen, then add your toppings and enjoy!